Astronomy ITB   FMIPA   Bosscha  

Astronomy International Virtual Course (IVC) 2024

A photo

The Next Generation Surveys for

Multimessenger Astronomy


The Astronomy Study Program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology, is excited to announce an international virtual course entitled "The Next Generation Survey of Multimessenger Astronomy”. This course will be held at 26 August – 06 September 2024.

This course explores cutting-edge developments in multimessenger astronomy, including the ongoing and upcoming surveys with various projects. Participants will have the unique opportunity to engage with active scientists in the relevant fields from these groundbreaking surveys. Discussions will cover many topics, including galaxy formation and evolution, black hole physics, and other exciting scientific possibilities enabled by these next-generation surveys.

This course will be equivalent to an elective course (3 credit units) in the Undergraduate Program in Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB. Therefore, the target participants are primarily, but not limited to, students at the undergraduate level who have sufficient fundamentals of physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves), calculus, and the basics of galaxies and cosmology.

We invite all students from Indonesia and abroad who are passionate about astronomy and eager to expand their knowledge in this dynamic field. Don't miss this chance to learn from and interact with leading experts in multimessenger astronomy.


  • Structures of the universe in the era of multimessenger
  • Dark matter and dark energy
  • Gravitational Lensing
  • Sciences with radio astronomy
  • Accretion powered X-ray sources
  • Gamma-ray burst and neutrino cosmology
  • Gravitational waves
  • Upcoming surveys with PFS Subaru
  • These topics will be covered in 60 hours of lectures and tutorials.


  • Prof. Dr. Kohta Murase (Pennsylvania State University, USA; Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physic, Japan)
  • Dr. Kohei Ichikawa (Waseda University, Japan)
  • Dr. Masayuki Tanaka (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan)
  • Dr. Itsna K. Fitriana (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan)
  • Dr. Irham T. Andika (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
  • Dr. Anupreeta More (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), India)
  • Dr. Sanjit Mitra (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), India)
  • Dr. Anand Sengupta (Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India)
  • Prof. Dr. Taufiq Hidayat (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
  • Prof. Dr. Premana W. Premadi (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
  • Dr. rer. nat. Hesti Wulandari (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
  • Dr. Kiki Vierdayanti (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
  • Dr. Anton T. Jaelani (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
  • Dr. Ibnu N. Huda (National Research and Inovation Agency, Indonesia)

  • Program

    The detailed program of the IVC can be downloaded from the following link (opened in a new tab):

    Program of IVC

    Course Fees

    Indonesian Students

  • ITB: IDR 200.000 (registration) & free (courses). Registration fees will be returned after the courses end for students who pass this course.
  • Non-ITB Bachelor Courses: IDR 200.000 (registration) & IDR 1.000.000 (course per credit unit).
  • Non-ITB Master Courses: IDR 200.000 (registration) & IDR 1.250.000 (course per credit unit).

  • Overseas Students

  • Registration and courses fees are free.

  • Professional

  • Bachelor Courses: IDR 200.000 (registration) & IDR 1.000.000 (course per credit unit).
  • Master Courses: IDR 200.000 (registration) & IDR 1.250.000 (course per credit unit).

  • Important Dates

  • Registration open: 29 June 2024
  • Registration closed: 20 August 2024
  • Announcement of selected participants: 22 August 2024
  • Event: 26 August – 06 September 2024

  • Registration

  • To join the course, registrate yourself via the following link (opened in a new tab):

  • The step-by-step guidelines for registration can be donwloaded from the following link (opened in a new tab):
  • Registration guidelines

    After the participant is registered as an IVC participant, the committee will select approximately 35 participants to join the course offline, and the rest will join the course online. This offline and online selection is based on the participant's address, institution, and country.


  • Dr. Fargiza A. M. Mulki (ITB, Indonesia)
  • Dr. Aprilia (ITB, Indonesia)
  • Dr. rer. nat. M. Ikbal Arifyanto (ITB, Indonesia)
  • Dr. Itsna K. Fitriana (NAOJ, Japan)
  • Dr. Irham T. Andika (TUM, Germany)
  • M. Ali Syaifudin, M.Si. (ITB, Indonesia)
  • Muthia Dewi, M.Si. (ITB, Indonesia)